Friday, September 29, 2006

The Power Play

Well, I promised you I'd tell you a little something of what I've been doing, and here is one:

Ryan J-W Smith is the author and director of "The Power Play" in which I had a small and very sweet part. The play is an Elizabethan-style tragicomedy written in iambic penthameter and bears resemblance to a story of "Hamlet before the death of the king".

I have to say, at first I was sceptic about another "upstart English son" taking on the form of Shakespearian writing. But it didn't take long and I was pleasantly surprised (and so apparently were others who made his second play "Love's Labour's Won" the Pick of the Fringe this year in Edinburgh).

As a bonus we were playing at the beautiful Vanburgh Theatre at RADA.

He is well worth a visit and perhaps you might like to read the play. You will find the website here.

The pictures to the show were taken by myself, so I'm afraid none of me, but there are some of "The Taming of the Shrew" now in my portfolio courtesy of Richard Hammerton.

1 comment:

Sefton said...

That style with the socks, pants, and shoes is coming back any day now. Mark my words.